I am Trevor Burke

I graduated from Queens University Belfast , and, following academic appointments in Belfast and Manchester (where I also was in practice for 22 years), I became Professor of Primary Dental Care and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry in the University of Birmingham School of Dentistry in 2000, retiring from there in October 2020. Please check out the links below to find out more.
My Publications
During my time in Dentistry,
I have published approx 370 papers in the peer reviewed literature.
These publications may be obtained from Dental Update, Science Direct (for J.Dent. and Dent. Mater) and Nature (for British Dental Journal). You can access my Google Scholar list here.
Document Downloads
Over the years I have given a number of presentations. Please click learn more to download a copy of my latest handout.
I regularly present webinars and talks. This page is the best place to get a copy of the latest handouts. You can signup here to check for downloads.
My Publications
These publications may be obtained from Dental Update publications, Science Direct (for J.Dent. and Dent.Mater) and Nature (British Dental Journal)
A Practice-based Evaluation of a Novel Resin Luting Material and Dentine Bonding Agent Peter Sands Russell J Crisp, Owen Thompson and FJ Trevor Burke
Sands P, Crisp RJ, Thompson O, Burke FJT. A practice-based evaluation of a novel resin luting material and dentine bonding agent. Dent.Update 2021:48:34-41.
Burke FJT, MacKenzie L, Sands P Suggestions for non-aerosol or reduced-aerosol dentistry (for as long as it takes). Dent.Update 2020:47:485-493.
Burke FJT, Crisp RJ,, James A, MacKenzie L., Thompson O, Pal, A, Sands P, Palin WM. Five-year clinical evaluation of restorations placed in a low shrinkage stress composite in UK general dental practices. Eur. J. Prosthodont Rest.Dent 2017;25:108-114.
Lucarotti PSK, Burke FJT. Patient history as a predictor of future treatment need? Considerations from a dataset containing over nine million courses of treatment. Br.Dent.J.2019:228:345-350.
Burke FJT, MacKenzie L, Shortall ACC. Survival rates of resin composite restorations in posterior teeth. Dent.Update 2019:46:523-535.
Burke FJT, Lawson A., Green DJB, MacKenzie L. What’s new in dentine bonding? Universal adhesives. Dent.Update.2017:44:328-340.
Thompson O, Tulloch N, Crisp RJ, Burke FJT. A case series of zirconia-based bridges luted with a self-adhesive resin luting material at 12 years. In patients in UK general dental practice. Eur. J. Prosthodont Rest.Dent 2018;Special issue:17-20
Burke FJT, Crisp RJ, Sands P. A handling evaluation of the Dentsply Sirona Class II Solutions System by the PREP Panel. Dent. Update 2018;45: 1032-1040.
Document Downloads
Please find below a collection of handouts to download from my recent talks and presentations.
Download Link
Dental amalgam (silver fillings): What patients need to know Patient Information Leaflet
Information for patients for whom deep caries has been sealed into a vital asymptomatic tooth
Technique Tips: Information for Patients for whom Deep Caries has been Sealed into a Vital Asymptomatic Tooth
Information sheet for patients receiving resin composite restorations for treatment of tooth wear

Curriculum Vitae
Trevor Burke graduated from Queens University Belfast, and, following academic appointments in Belfast and Manchester, he worked in general dental practice from 1975 to 1996 in Manchester, also working 1.5 days per week in the Unit of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Manchester. His first Chair was in Glasgow in 1996, moving to become Professor of Primary Dental Care at the University of Birmingham and Hon.
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry in 2000, becoming part-time in 2014, before retiring in October 2020. Trevor is (co-) author of 370 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and three books.
Please click the link above to download a copy of my latest CV.
Use the form below to drop me an e-mail and I will get back to you soon.
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